Play a retro arcade style game of asteroids and achieve a highscore! Warning - very buggy game unfortunately, and can randomly crash/freeze. 

Controls: WASD or arrow keys to move, mouse click to shoot


Made for Secret Santa Jam 2024 for giftee !!lil venus!! who loves SPACE! according to their letter. Out of the three games (the other 2 were Space Engineers 2 and Terraria) mentioned, Nuclear Throne seemed the most doable genre for a small project like this - but honestly none of the games were the kind I would normally play myself. 

Unfortunately, as I usually do this time of year, I have sneezing fits so I didn't go for anything too ambitious. Still I wanted to try something new and learn something from this event.

I learned Godot for the first time for this project in an attempt to learn a new engine - very different from Unity so it was quite a lot of documentation reading. I wish my submission were more playable and less buggy. I didn't get to add any audio for this submission, but maybe in future if it behooves me I'll make this project more complete. 


Credits: This is a solo project. All textures in this project are made with textures from Kenney Particle Pack or simple gradients. Font used was Godot default font. No audio was used at all unfortunately. 

AuthorGrams KX
Made withGodot

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